Whiswash with strawberry salad, lemon dream and crunchy crunch

W What do you do when you have lemon stew left over from the oven asparagus (or just a few more)? You get the maximum out of the little crunchy things out and build a spring-fresh whim wham with a frothy-fluffy lemon cream and aromatic strawberries. Do you agree?

Of course, we let our imagination run wild and layer the three delicacies wildly to your heart's content in small glasses, bowls, pots ... first crumble, then cream and strawberries ... or crumbles, cream, strawberries , Cream, sprinkles ... or even more sprinkles ...?! If you like, decorate the work with whole strawberries or raspberries. The cupcake fans among us may still use a piping bag to put on a neat little cap ... Whim-wham!

And here comes the recipe for Whim-wham with strawberry salad, lemon dream and crumb crunch

(4 big or 6-8 small glasses)

Crumble Crunch
If nothing is left of the crumbs in the oven asparagus, you do it like this:
Off 70 g flour , 30 g room-warm butter , 1/2 teaspoon salt and the fine Abrasion 1 organic lemon with your hands knead fine crumbles. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and bake the sprinkles on a medium rack for about 15 - 20 minutes until golden brown. Let it cool completely.

Lemon Dream
125 g of Lean Lard with 3 tbsp brown sugar stir and 1 pinch of ground vanilla until smooth. Beat 150 ml of cream and lift it under the quark. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Strawberry Salad
200g Strawberries , wash, pat dry, remove the flower and cut into small cubes. Mix 2 tablespoon of maple syrup in a small bowl and let it pass through briefly. If you like, you can add a few slices of finely chopped basil .

Crumble crunch, lemon dream and strawberry salad one after the other into different glasses. Doing so quietly vary the order and complete with different layers. Garnish with strawberries or other fruits to taste.

Tip: If you like, sprinkle the crumbles with a fruit liqueur or fruit brandy. The whim-wham tastes great freshly prepared, but can also be stored in the fridge for a day.